Memory Pegs Silva Method

A peg system is a Mnemonic technique for memorizing lists using a Peg List. It works by pre-memorizing a list of words that are easy to associate with the numbers they represent (1 to 10, 1-100, 1-1000, etc.). Those objects form the 'pegs' of the system.

The Peg Method The best-known (and most easy to use) of the Peg memory systems is the rhyming peg method, in which numbers from one to ten are associated with rhymes: one-bun, two-shoe, and so on. This system was introduced in England sometime around 1879 by John Sambrook. Words that make ideal memory pegs are nouns, i.e. Actual things, such as, for example, mouse, lamb, cheese, jet, tack, soap, badge, and key. These are actual things, and it’s easy to visualise them, and to link them to anything you want to commit to memory. Once you settle on the words for your list, write them down and study them.

To rapidly memorize a list of arbitrary objects, each one is associated with the mnemonic image for the appropriate peg. Generally, a Peg List only has to be memorized one time, and can then be used over and over every time a list of items needs to be memorized.

  1. Silva Ultramind’s RE M O T E VI E W I N G A N D RE M O T E IN F L U E N C I N G 5. Laws of Programming and the Mental Video In this session, Dennis and John stress the importance of choosing goals that are plausible and possible. To choose goals that are too grand to start with, may.
  2. The list below is called a “peg list.” It is a series of images that is associated with the numbers 1 through 20. I learned this in an audio program called Mega Memory. I was given a complimentary review copy of the program years ago when I managed a radio station. This “peg list” was the most helpful part of the entire program.
  3. With Mind Control PDF you are going to master the powerful Silva’s mind control techniques. The pdf book consists of more than 101 techniques to control and manipulate other’s subconscious mind. The book can be used in two ways; the first way is to train your own mind to improve health and second way is to control others mind to achieve.

Many people have come across the peg list system via the books of Harry Lorayne.

It's an alternative to the Method of Loci (a.k.a., Memory Palaces).

Peg Word System

A peg word system is a Peg List that uses words as pegs. A Number Rhyme System is an example of a peg word system.


Each number from 1 to 10 can be given a rhyming mnemonic keyword:

Memory Pegs Silva Method
  • one - gun
  • two - shoe
  • three - tree
  • four - door
  • five - hive
  • six - sticks
  • seven - heaven
  • eight - bait (for fishing)
  • nine - wine
  • ten - pen

If you have a list of things to memorize, like a shopping list, you can associate each item of the list with a number rhyme image. So if your shopping list is: carrots, milk, bread, eggs, rice, etc., make associations like this:

  • One is 'gun' -- imagine a gun shooting a pile of carrots, the first item on your shopping list.
  • Two is 'shoe' -- imagine cleaning your muddy shoe with a bottle of milk.
  • Three is 'tree' -- imagine bread growing on a tree.
  • Four is 'door' -- imagine throwing eggs at a door.
  • Etc.

Adobe muse cc. Once you've associated each item in your shopping list with a number peg, you'll be able to mentally walk through the numbers, recall the rhymes ('what was the gun shooting?'), and recall the item ('carrots').

Memory Pegs Silva Method Tutorial

Peg List System for Memory League Images


Simon Orton came up with a peg list system that works well in the Memory League Images Event.

See Also

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The Peg system is one of the most useful memory techniques. Like all mnemonic devices the Peg System uses visual imagery to provide a ‘hook’ or ‘peg’ from which to hang (associate) your memories.
While the Link System is ideal for remembering lists in sequence it does not provide an easy way to recall, for example, the 8th item in the list. You would have to start at the beginning of the link and mentally count forward through the associations until you reached the 8th item.
The Peg System gives you the ability to remember the numerical position of items in a list in sequence or out of sequence. The technique has several variations ranging from the very simple to the more advanced. In this chapter you will learn about the Rhyming Peg and the Phonetic Peg Systems.

Memory Pegs Silva Method Guitar